Over the last few months, I've come across so many recommended #resources, I thought I'd start a #list here and perhaps I could write focused blog posts with their own hashtag about what I learn when I get to them!
Fundamentals of Musical Composition - Arnold Schoenberg #Schoenberg_FMC
Models for Beginners in Composition - Arnold Schoenberg #Schoenberg_MBC
Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony - Burnstein & Straus #BurnsteinStraus_CITH
Tonal Harmony, with an Introduction to Twentieth Century Music - Kostka & Payne #KostkaPayne_THI20cM
Twentieth-Century Harmony: Creative Aspects and Practice - Vincent Persichetti #Persichetti_20cH
A Geometry of Music: Harmony and Counterpoint in the Extended Common Practice - Dmitri Tymoczko #Tymoczko_GM
Voice Leading - David Huron #Huron_VL
Harmonic Experience - William Allaudin Mathieu #Mathieur_HE
The Study of Orchestration - Samuel Adler #Adler_SO
The Revised Principles of Orchestration - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov #Korsakov_RPO
Textures and Timbres: An Orchestrator’s Handbook - Henry Brant #Brant_TT
Basic Principles in Pianoforte Playing - Josef Lhevinne #Lhevinne_BPP
The Art of Piano Playing - Heinrich Neuhaus #Neuhaus_APP
Piano Technique - Walter Gieseking, Karl Leimer #GiesekingLeimer_PT
Specific Musical Genre:
Jazz. I've been totally fascinated with Jazz and want to learn so much! A lot of these were found in the University of Capilano's Jazz program syllabi.
The Jazz Theory Book - Mark Levine #Levine_JTB
Jazz - DeVeaux, Scott & Gary Giddins #DeVeauxScottGiddins_J (Jazz History)
Jazz Violin Pedagogy Resources - Steffen Zeichner #Zeichner_JVPR
The Real Book #RB (Compilation of Jazz Standards)
Lydian Chromatic Concept Of Tonal Organization - George Russell #Russell_LCCTO
The Music Lesson - Victor Wooten #Wooten_ML
Just Play - Nick Bottini #Bottini_JP
Effortless Mastery - Kenny Werner #Werner_EM
Insights in Jazz - John Elliott #Elliott_IiJ
Straight Ahead: A Comprehensive Guide to the Business of Jazz* *(Without Sacrificing Dignity or Artistic Integrity) - Marty Khan #Khan_SA
12 Notes: On Life and Creativity - Quincy Jones #Jones_12NOLC
The Game Music Handbook - Noah Kellman #Kellman_GMH
Scales: The Road to Repertoire - Nathan Cole #Cole_SRR
Forgery and Imitation in the Creative Process - Glenn Gould #Gould_FICP (1963 lecture)
Musical Notation:
Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide To Music Notation - Elaine Gould #Gould_BB
The Chop Notation Project - Casey Driessen & Orio Sana #DriessenSana_CNP (Notating AND Learning Chopping on Bowed String instruments)
Technological - Mixing/Mastering:
The Art of Mixing - David Gibson #Gibson_AM
The Art of Producing - David Gibson #Gibson_AP
Misc. and for something completely different...
Foundations of Electric Circuits - J.R. Cogdell #Cogdell_FFEC (I know I know... totally not music right? But I got really interested in circuitry after looking into how hardware like effects pedals can affect sound and I think there's something related in this field to look into!)
A New Approach to Sight Singing - Berkowitz #Berkowitx_NASS (I've heard lots about sight singing and aural skills classes that music students in university need to take - never tried myself so might be interesting to try!)