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// Immersive Healthcare: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | PPE Protocol Practice Simulation
Sept 2020 - Dec 2020 (Australian Edition);
Jan 2021 - Apr 2021 (North American Edition)
Role: Sound Design & Implementation
Tools: Audition, Unity, Virtro Audio System
Platform: Desktop
Website: Immersive Healthcare, Immersive Healthcare LinkedIn
Immersive Healthcare is a series of practice simulations specific to the healthcare industry designed to decrease training time and resources, and improve the retention rates and protocol understanding among healthcare employees.
One of many practice simulations include that of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Protocols including donning and doffing procedures of face masks, face shields, gowns, gloves, and hand hygiene protocols amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Different versions of the Immersive Healthcare PPE Practice Simulation have been created to accurately reflect the healthcare requirements and protocols of different regions internationally. It is currently being used to efficiently train thousands of healthcare workers across the globe.
Some of the audio features in this simulation which I designed and implemented include and are not limited to: user interactions and protocol action audio feedback, user interface (UI) audio feedback, environmental music and ambiences, character animation foley.
© 2021 VIRTRO. Used with permission.

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